Four days to go and I am busy. I am in countdown mode and everything matters. The vitamins, hormones, sleep and relaxation. Its become my full-time job to remember what to take and when ensuring my body absorbs what it should. I mostly remember but wrote it out today so Dave could really understand the minutiae that has taken over my brain and why dinner is not ready when he walks in the door. Oh and in between inserting tablets in my hoo-ha, swallowing pills, and slurping clumpy brown "tea", I am chasing a preschooler, cajoling him to eat the meals I lovingly make and fighting an uphill battle that he not draw on the walls, tear apart his train table for the 100th time, or throw toys at the wall with an evil grin.
Wake up – Drink Dr. Liangs herbs mixed with hot water. Must take on an empty stomach 1-2 hours before any other vitamins
7:30 am – Remove 4 Vivelle patches. Find spots on my abdomen to place next set of 4. Insert 1st Endometrium tablet vaginally. Remember to use pantyliner.
8 am – Take 1st Tetracycline tablet. Remember that I cant have milk products for the next hour. Make sure to put on sunscreen – tetracycline makes your skin more sensitive.
9 am – Take morning vitamins – Folic acid, Vitamin D, Baby Aspirin
12 pm – Insert 2nd Endometrium tablet. Take 2nd Tetracycline tablet.
3 pm – Take 3rd Tetracycline tablet
5 pm – Second dose of Dr. Liangs herbs before dinner
6:30 Take 4th Tetracycline tablet. Insert 3rd Endometrium tablet.
Yoga for Fertility workout followed by Uteran massage self-care and Yoga Nidra.
Bedtime – Take 1 Medrol plus vitamins – Prenatal, 2nd Folic Acid, Calcium and Vitamin 2. Insert Estrace tablet vaginally.