Sunday, March 11, 2012

And away we go - again

On a positive note, I did not need to wait a full two weeks to find out that I wasn’t pregnant. Like the good old days before DS, my period came in spots nearly a week before it came in full force. It was so early that for a night, DH and I giggled that it might be implantation bleeding. Hah! If only.

You would think that giving up all that I have plus now gluten and dairy (for the most part) and seeing my thyroid drop to a record natural low of 1.62 (optimal for fertility is between 1 and 2) that my period would step into line. That with acupuncture, herbs and regular supplements that I would have a perfectly regular, balanced and bright red flowing AF.  And to see it go back to where it was four years ago where it was accompanied by excruciating pain alleviated only by Vicodin is just a bit frustrating. Thankfully, the cramps were for the most part non-existent, at least and I did remind myself that I did conceive my one good egg back then too so maybe there is hope.

We decided to try an IUI with injectibles this cycle. It’s the one thing I haven’t tried and if anything it will up my chances of conception with more than one follicle. Plus I already have the meds so in fertility speak, its not very expensive ($1500). So today I was back at UCSF for the first time in nearly a year for an 8:15 am baseline. The receptionist noted she hadnt seen me in awhile and asked how I was….considering. I realized I had become one of the long shots, the ones that keep on trying, year after year that even the receptionists route for…and go out of their way for. When making my follow up appointment, the same receptionist broke protocol to schedule a 10 am appointment for me after initially telling me they could only see me in the afternoon.  Or maybe it was that I told her that I would have to bring DS with me which is against the rules at UCSF. Whatever it was, she was truly kind and made me feel welcome and taken care of. Big pluses at a fertility clinic.

So tonight, it was back to the gonal and menopur – smaller doses this time. I am hopeful as I am each month. That’s just the way the rollercoaster works.

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