Thursday, February 17, 2011

The two week wait

I am 4 days into the two week wait for IVF #2. For those of you uninitiated, the 2 week wait or 2ww in fertility speak is the time after transfer until finding out if you are pregnant. To put in bluntly, its not an easy time. Up until then, you are busy with ultrasounds, bloodwork and mixing your nightly shots. REs and nurses readily answer your questions. You know your follicle count, estrogen (e2) level and uterine lining. And when the follicles you so lovingly grew are retrieved, you can relax. A little at least as you wait to hear how many fertilized and what your options are. Then it is a question of egg quality - 4,5,6,7,8 cell, grade 1, 2, 3, 4, and amount of fragmention. Then boom, a dose of valium, a glance at pics of the chosen embryos, your signature, name check with the embryologist, spread your legs one last time for the RE, speculum and their in!
And now what? The shots continue but this time in the butt and my dear husband has the honor of shooting me. No doctors appointments, no follicle counts, just a list of vague instructions. Take it easy, exercise but dont raise your body temperature ie no running, high impact aerobics, dont lift anything over 15, or well 20 pounds (not easy when you have a 2 year old) and if you feel stress, focus on your breath.  And by the way, there is nothing you can do to affect the outcome. Just wait.
So here I am, 4 days in and feeling fine. Hoping those little embies are snuggled in nicely

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